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Help us open for Metallica!!!

Help us open for Metallica!!!

Regional Voting from April 5th - April 12th


So here’s the situation… Metallica and their management are offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to an unknown band… an opening slot for 5 sold out stadium dates with the legends themselves on their upcoming Hit The Lights North American Tour!

It’s up to all you fans to make this dream of ours a reality. We made this video to get you guys excited and have tried to make the voting instructions as simple as possible. Just remember that you can vote EVERY DAY and that’s what we need to win this thing, consistency! We hope you enjoy our short shred arrangement of "For Whom The Bell Tolls" and "One". SPREAD THE SHRED and MAKE SURE YOU VOTE!!! STEP 1: Visit the following link - STEP 2: Create an account by clicking the "Register" button (We’re sorry that you have to create an account but we hope that doesn’t deter you from voting. Unfortunately that is the only way they are allowing voting.) STEP 3: Check your inbox for confirmation email then click on the link to activate your account. STEP 4: Login with your account email and password then cast your vote for Immortal Guardian! STEP 5: Return to the website and repeat STEP 4 everyday from April 5th - April 12th.

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